Rocks & Minerals Pin It To Win It!

I have had MANY request for a Rocks and Minerals Interactive Science Notebook and I am happy to announce that it is FINALLY complete! This is two interactive notebooks in one!  I have combined 4.P.2.2 (minerals) and 4.P.2.3 (rocks) and created a variety activities and ...


Mentor Text {Pumpkin Soup}

Is anyone else struggling with finding balance between, life, school, kids, housework, gym time, soccer practice, cooking, and everything else we have to do?  With the boys in soccer for the first time this fall I am REALLY struggling with keeping up with EVERYTHING, especially ...


Spark Student Motivation {Class Goal Setting}

It's been a WEEK since I have blogged!  The past week was a busy week for us, every time I turned around we had somewhere to be (soccer, church, meetings, etc.).  Thursday was my middle guy's 5th birthday so we had a great day celebrating his day along with playing with ...


Spark Student Motivation {Class Store}

Can you believe it...6 post in 7 days!  I think I am finding my back to school routine :)  Today I am linking up with Joanne over at Head Over Heels for Teaching.  Over the summer I shared how I use a Classroom Economy to motivate my students to complete homework, ...


Five for Friday...Friday the 13th!

Happy Friday the 13th!  My family celebrates today as a family holiday...why?  My maiden name means bad luck and we have found a way to celebrate it on the unluckiest day of the month.  We all send each other "Happy Holiday" messages every Friday the 13th on Facebook ...


Budding Blog {Procrastinating Preceptor of Precocious Pupils} & Linky Party

I haven't hosted a Budding Blog since MAY!  Today I am showcasing one of my SUPER STAR coworkers, Stender. She just started her blog, as in the bud just formed, four days ago :) Stender is a 5th grade teacher and an EXCELLENT Science teacher.  You can tell by ...


Workshop Wednesday {Math Workshop}

Last week I shared how my kiddos were doing with our Power Reading Workshop...they are still doing AWESOME!  Today I wanted to share with you how we are getting started with Math Workshop.  Last week the kids worked in stations after whole group instruction reviewing ...


Tried It Tuesday {Science Interactive Notebooks}

This summer I worked on several Interactive Science Notebooks and have received great feedback on them.  Many of you have requested more!  This is my first year implementing Science Interactive Notebooks and have decided to do so to make my lessons more hands on.  I ...

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