Teaching Author's Claim {RI.8 Reasoning & Evidence}

The week before Spring Break we did a little remediation on RI4.8.  Our recent local benchmark assessment showed that our kids (the entire 4th grade) needed to review this skill.  Looking at the questions we realized that our students always chose the answer choice that was a fact.  We knew we needed to show them that an an author can also support their claim with an opinion. Early in the week ...


Mathematical Monday {VersaTiles}

Today was back to work for me after having Spring Break...boo!  We only have about 7 weeks of school left!  The Friday before Spring Break was a snow make up day for us, thankfully it was a half day.  I only had 12 out of 23 kiddos show up so we cleaned all morning. ...


HOCUS POCUS keep them Focused!

As mention in yesterday's HOP post this time of year, spring fever has hit, and with the end of the year in sight, we all need a little extra magic to keep us going!  So, in the next few weeks, I’m joining with my favorite intermediate teachers to put a little extra magic ...


Surviving Spring to Welcome Summer Blog Hop {Giveaway & Freebie}

We are only weeks away from the end of the school year!  Can you believe how fast this year has gone by, although I am sure some of you may have wished this year went by even quicker!  Are you getting Spring fever, or are your students the ones showing signs of being ...


Tried It Tuesday {The Quietest Pencil Sharpener}

With testing quickly approaching I decided it was time to try out The Quietest Pencil Sharpener to assist with ALL those pencils.  I currently have the following electric pencil sharpener.  It was VERY expensive and does it's job. It's loud and messy...do see ...


Mathematical Monday {Product Link Up}

I had a post planned for today, teaching decimals on a number line.  I didn't get it done because I am exhausted and READY for Spring Break.  Many of you are currently on Spring Break or have had your break.  Mine doesn't start until 12:30 this Friday. So let's ...


Mentor Text {Count On Frank}

Today I am linking up with my girls Amanda and Stacia over at Collaboration Cuties!  I have discovered the text, Counting On Frank by Rod Clement. I just ordered this book to use as a review and as a way to introduce measurement to my class. First, the illustrations ...


Six For Saturday

Last week we took our local Benchmark Assessment, this was the last practice test before the BIG ONE in May.  Our 4th grade team found out on Tuesday that we ranked FOURTH in ELA in the district AND FIFTH in Math!!!  There are 56 elementary schools in our district, ...

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