Mathematical Monday {Fractions of a Whole Number & a FB Freebie}

Last week we wrapped up 4.NF.4 with finding fractions of a whole number.  Before common core I am sure many of you just taught the algorithm and didn't focus too much on the how and why we multiply the fraction and whole number to determine the fraction of a whole number. While ...


Five for Friday

Happy Friday!  This felt like a long week!  Baseball season has started in our house this week, so I am back to feeling like I own a taxi and live in my car.  I just wish the weather knew it was baseball season!  It's STILL super cold here in NC! See ...


ELA Test Prep: SQ3R Test Taking Strategy & Giveaway

SQ3R has been around for several years, it has proven effective in my classroom for several years so it is a strategy I teach every year.  I have added a few extra details to how I use it in my classroom, and feel it has been beneficial for my students. With the emphasis ...


Workshop Wednesday {Poetry}

Next week we will FINALLY be in the month of April!  I cannot wait to say good-bye to March, it's over welcomed it's stay!  April of course is Poetry Month!  I have spent the last couple of days gathering the resources in my room to prep for the upcoming weeks. ...


Mathematical Monday {Spiral Review & FREEBIES}

How do you ensure your students aren't forgetting math skills they have previously learned?  Today I wanted to share with you how I consistently review previously taught skills with my students. 1. Accelerated Math Our school uses ACC Math and it is Amazing!  Students ...


Mentor Text: Women's History Month

It's March and that means it's the month to celebrate AMAZING Women!  There are so many inspirational and courageous women we all admire, why not celebrate them with a good book! One woman I always focus on this month is Amelia Earhart, the first woman of flight!  Living ...

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