I didn't link up with Five for Friday last week simply because nothing very exciting happened in my classroom. Last week's events also kind of depressed me so I wasn't in the best of mood to post. Does your week or mood have an impact on your post?
My kids were off last week, nothing particular, someone was always doing something they shouldn't have. I was excited how reading last week continued to flow. We compared text about the same topic and continued to review main ideas; then Friday came along and they ALL bombed their reading test. My frustration level increased a bit! Today we started a local assessment and one of my students complained, who is always laying her head down on her desk in class, about how hard the test was. I was a bit harsh and replied "Welcome to Fourth Grade". This has been a difficult year, the picture above pretty much sums it up.
Today we watched the Lorax focusing on theme and character development. I was blown away by one student's response to the theme of The Lorax, "take responsibility for your actions". Most students replied take care of Earth or the trees, I love when one student can remind you of why we do this job :)
I FINALLY reached 200 followers! Yay! I am working on getting my Giveaway up an running, check back this week to see what is in store :)