Monday Made It: 4th of July and Winners

I am linking up with Tara for this week's Monday Made It.  Last week my boys and I worked on some projects for the up coming 4th of July holiday.  I LOVE the 4th of July, being a military family makes this holiday a little extra special for us. Every year I ...


Tried and True and Throwback Thursday

Martha from The Teaching Tribune suggested we share a tried and true idea, lesson, activity we have used in our classrooms.  I am also taking advantage of "Throwback Thursday" and reposting a post I originally shared back in April.  (According to blogger not many of ...


Summer Freebie and What I'm Wearing

It's Worksheet Wednesday over at The Teaching Tribune!  Today I have a summer themed FREEBIE for you!  I created a short passage about the history of the Lemonade Stand and included five text-dependent questions for the text.   Click on either image to ...


Two for Tuesday

I am participating in The Teaching Tribune's Two for Tuesday.  I surveyed my FB followers to see what they wanted to grab at half off today and they chose my Interactive Science Notebooks.  So for today only the following two Interactive Notebooks will be 50% off!!! Any ...


Monday: Meet Me & Made It Monday

Today I am linking up with The Teaching Tribune's Summer Bloggin' Linky.  I have shared with you three things you may not have know about me.  :) Does anyone else love liver and onions!?!  :) Growing up our family would go to a fish fry on fridays and ...


Worksheet Wednesday....Freebie

I am linking up with The Teaching Tribune's Worksheet Wednesday!  Today I am sharing with you a freebie from my Grammar Pack and a freebie from my Reading Informational Text Task Cards and Passages. You can also check out my store for more ELA Freebies! ...


Monday Made It & Monday Meet Up

Today I am linking up with TWO linkys!!  First I want to share with you what I made for my dad for Father's Day for Tara's Monday Made It. This is my dad and oldest son from Oct. 2011.  They are cool dudes :) I get my sense of humor from my dad, sometimes ...


Spark Student Motivation {PIE in the Face!}

The kids last day was Tuesday and mine was Wednesday....YIPEE!  Before they left for the summer we had a class celebration to celebrate their successes.  Our state changed the way they scored our assessments this year, students could earn a 1-5 instead of a 1-4. ...

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