Spark Student Motivation School Wide

Accelerated Math is BIG at our school!  Many teachers use it for morning work, early finisher work, and during their math block.  Accelerated Math is similar to Accelerated Reader, where students complete math assignments rather than reading comprehension questions.  Once a student has mastered an objective they can move on to another objective.

At LHES we keep track of the number of objectives mastered in each class.  At the end of each month our Principal sends us a report summarizing the month's data.  Our two Teaching Assistants (yes, we only have two for our entire school thanks to our government officials here in NC) work together to keep up our school's ACC Math bulletin board.  Our TA Mrs. G made this INCREDIBLE bulletin board for students, parents, and staff to see who is in the lead for most ACC Math objectives mastered.

Mrs. G used pictures of the teachers, students, admin, support staff, office staff, and custodial staff to create this board.  Each teacher is a football player and our students are in the stands.  Our Support Staff are in the box seats of the stands and our office and custodial staff are the cheerleaders.  Our students enjoy seeing who is in the lead and how many objectives each class has mastered.  On the left side of the board is located a Score Board.  I forgot to take a picture of it :(  Each teacher is listed and the number of objectives is next to the names.

Recently we started the "Spick & Span" classroom award.  Our school has three hallways and the custodians will pick the cleanest classroom at the end of the week to receive the Spick and Span Pan.  Our school supports each other and every department, so to help out the custodians we are encouraging our students to keep our school neat and clean.

I know I have mentioned it before, but I feel like I need to share again how blessed I am to work at a school where everyone is family.  Recently I have read some conversations, articles, etc. where teachers work in schools and teachers barely know the teacher that teaches next door to them and where teachers don't share or encourage each other.  I couldn't imagine working at a school like that.  My coworkers and admin are all supportive of one another both professionally and personally.  We build each other up and are there for each other in the best and worst of times.  I am blessed to work with my friends who I call family, who motivate each other, our students, and parents to excel in all that we do.


  1. I love that your school works together like this. My school does some things all together, but not to the same extent as your school. I wish we had a spick and span award, what a fun idea!

  2. Love this post! :) Mrs. G did an AWESOME job on that board! It's super motivating and adorable! LOL! I started a report card grade with our custodians last year-if they gave our class an A+ it counted as a compliment on our Compliments Galore chart. BUT...I love that Spic & Span Pan Award-I'm totally stealing this for our custodians! They will love it because it might motivate some of those classrooms that aren't so clean to pick up a little more! Thanks for linking up and sharing your school spirit Jess!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  3. Having a community environment seriously makes all the difference! Trust me, I know! :)


  4. I like the spick and span pan! That's a super cute idea!! When I taught fourth grade I had a weekly "golden trashcan award" for the cleanest cooperative group. It litterally was a tiny gold trashcan filed with candy that went to the cleanest group!! Kids love stuff like that!! You are luck to work in a school that feels like family---that is awesome!!

    Mind Sparks

  5. When I student taught, there was a "Golden Garbage Can" award that went to the neatest class each week. It literally was a garbage can that was spray painted gold. The classroom got to use it as their classroom garbage can for the week. So much fun! I was not familiar with Accelerated Math, but we use Accelerated Reader at my school. I love that bulletin board!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  6. WOW! I absolutely love that your school is working together. I'm going to send this idea to my media specialist and see if we could do something like this at our school. Love the "Spic & Span" award too!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  7. The bulletin board is so cute! I love how your school all has a common goal! Love the spic & span award too! We had a golden plunger award for awhile (it fell to the wayside) for the cleanest classroom...I like the idea behind it...but a plunger...not so much...ew! I may have to send the dustpan idea to my admin.
    A Tall Drink of Water


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