July Goals & Some Sad News

Can you believe it is almost JULY!  Summer break is flying by!  I am posting this linky a few days early because unfortunately my Grandma lost her battle with Cancer.  I will be spending time with my family for the next couple of days to celebrate her life.  We ...


Show Some BlogLovin' {Giveaway}

I don't do well with change, which is odd because being a military wife, teacher, and mother there is always constant change!  You have probably heard by now that Google Reader is going away on July 1st.  Well, Google Reader may be going away, but we don't want ...


Tried It Tuesday

Linking up with Holly today to share some random things I have tried the past week.   I had read several blogs discussing this book, Wonder, so I had to see what it was all about.  I just started it but, WOW, I already can't wait to finish it.  I am going ...


Made it Monday {Responsibility Chart}

It's MONDAY!  I am only excited for Mondays during the summer :)  I am slowly working on our Family Command Center Wall, and this week I made the boys' Responsibility Chart.  This was SUPER easy and only cost me $3.48 to make!  {Foam board $1.48 and Fabric ...


Spark Student Motivation

I am ashamed to say that this my FIRST time linking up with Joanne for her linky party.  Saturday's are normally CRAZY around here, but on this rainy day I had a quick minute to link up. :) For a few years now I have used these "Punch Cards" to motivate my students ...


Five For Friday

Yesterday my youngest broke out in hives after swimming lessons.  He NEVER gets sick and wasn't acting bothered by them.  I took him to the doctors and was informed he has a double ear infection, yeast infection, and an allergic reaction (hives).  After the first ...


Team Planning

When I met with Joanne from Head Over Heels for Teaching last week we talked about team planning.  I shared with her that at my school we have back to back resource (or specials) one day a week, when our students are at their double resources our grade level holds a team meeting. ...


Workshop Wednesday {Pinterest Ideas for Next Year}

Next year I really would like to utilize the Workshop Method.  I feel I tend to rely on the traditional way of teaching too much and need to grow a bit more.  I started to implement Laura Candler's Power Reading Workshop last year, but behaviorally my student's couldn't ...


Tried it Tuesday {Scootpad}

I am finally linking up with Holly over at Fourth Grade Flipper for her weekly Tried it Tuesday linky.  I hadn't tried anything new the last few weeks of school because we were in Testing Mode, however the last week when I had nothing planned I tried out Scootpad with my ...


Made it Monday {Family Tree}

Many of you know my Grandma is not doing well, hospice has been put in place and she is taking one day at a time.  Last week the boys and I went to Florida for a quick visit and put to work :)  My Grandma wanted a Family Tree painted on her living room wall to place all ...

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