Monday Made It

Quick post for Tara's Monday Made It!  I look forward to this linky every summer :)  For Father's Day I always have the boys make a craft for their dad.  Thanks to Pinterest I found this idea and made it our own.  My husband loved it and is hanging ...


Plan with me Sundays

I'm linking up with Kreative in Kindergarten and Keeping up with Mrs. Harris for their planner linky.  I'm new to EC planners, I know shocking right! I'm even newer to the idea of using stickers and cutesy planners!  Who knew decorating your weekly plans in ...


TpT Seller Challenge: Makeover Madness

I've joined the TpT {Seller} Challenge this summer and hoping it is just the thing I need to get back into the habit of blogging and creating again.  It's amazing how school can drain you :)  For this week's challenge I made over one of the ...


Reading is a Complex Process

Over the past 8 years of teaching I taught grades 3-4, with most of my time spent in 4th grade. I taught at a school where the majority of my students came from families who were very involved in their child's education, and were great readers.  Over the years I did have ...


Organizing All Those Files

Can you believe it...I'm actually posting!?!  It's been a few months since my last post, thanks to a hectic end of the school year.  No better way than to come off of a blogging break by linking up the Primary Peach for their Organizational Tips and Tricks linky!  These ...

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