Six for Saturday

Once again I am late to the Five for Friday party.  It is amazing how exhausting the first week of school is.  Getting back into the swing of things is an adjustment!  1. New Wreath!  Isn't is BEAUTIFUL!?!?!?!  My dear friend, and a parent of mine ...


Tried It Tuesday {First Day of School}

Yesterday was the first day of school with kids!  I am SUPER excited for this group of kids!  They are sweet and eager to get started! I am trying my Back to School plans, as are several other teachers I work with, and so far they have been perfect!  You never ...


Mentor Text {If I Ran for President}

Every fall our students participate in a Student Council campaign.  Each class will vote on a class president, class vice president, and secretary.  Our students are not required to run, but are required to write a speech.  This year I plan to use If I Ran for ...


Five for Friday...or Saturday! {Lots of Pictures & a Freebie}

WOW!  This has been a crazy week!  Finally, getting back to a routine and able to blog...yay! 1. MIA I was MIA all week due to being back to work and hubby being out of town.  I give a lot of credit to all the single parents out there...it is exhausting! Since ...


Monday Made It A Week Late {Small Group Light}

I know Tara has gone back to monthly Monday Made It post, but I didn't get a chance to link up last week because I couldn't find the USB cord for the camera.  :( Today is my first official day back to work...bye bye Summer Break!  I have been working in my room and ...

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