What a Week!

It's been extremely windy and cold here which I strongly believe has an impact on student behavior...they were wild and out of wack this week!  My own children included!

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching Five for Friday :)

1. We started the week out back in teams!  My kids have not been in teams seating arrangement for several months now due to behavior.  They were a bit talkative the first two days, but improved later in the week.

2. We celebrated out students' achievements Thursday with our Success Day Awards Ceremony.  The entire fourth grade did a fantastic job during the ceremony.  I only wish more parents had shown up to celebrate their child's success.  Do you have a lot of parent involvement?

3. I attended my son's first Success Day Awards Ceremony :)  He received the "Budding Journalist" Award and Lunch Bunch (this is for excellent behavior, students get to eat lunch with the principal).

4. Today my students shared their Biography Bags.  I assigned this project for extra credit and was impressed with how many students completed the project.  They did a fantastic job and it was great seeing what events in their life they felt were the most important.

5.  Tonight I had a great opportunity to attend our church's Ladies Retreat.  Every two months we bring a dish, have fellowship, and take a break from our crazy lives to here the Lord's word.  Tonight's message was LOVE and how we often forget how God laid down is life to love us.  At our table we discussed how we often show strangers more love and respect than we do to our family.  We often do this because we know our family's baggage and expect something in return when we show them love, but when we meet a stranger it is the opposite.  I needed to here this message because often I become frustrated with the behaviors in my classroom and become selfish in my frustration. I need to work on laying my frustration to the side, praying for my students (and my own children), and show them I love them through my actions, reactions, and calming words.

I am having a SALE this Sunday at my TPT store!  It will be a SUPER sale in honor of the Super Bowl, even though I won't be watching it :)

Here are a few of my items that will be on sale:


Includes Answer Keys


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