LearnZillion...Have you heard of it?

I am updating this post and linking up with Ideas by Jivey's Workshop Wednesday.  My go to site for math is Learn Zillion.  I teach an Exceptional Children's inclusion class and show my students the video lessons first then take each slide one at a time.  This site ...


Winter Math Review Freebies

We are having a lazy day at my house today which means I am getting some school work done.  Yay!  As I mentioned in my last post I wanted to show my appreciation for all my new followers by creating some freebies.  I created a Multiplication review and a Subtraction ...



I am overwhelmed with all the support and followers in the last 24 hours!  I would like to thank Diane at Teaching with Moxie for showcasing my Blog Goal for 2013.  With your sweet gesture I have already doubled my followers!  You all have shown how supportive and ...


2013 Goals

I am linking up to Teaching Maddeness' New Year's Resolution linky party!  2012 was a crazy year for us but a good one as well.  The past year has helped me decide my goals for 2012, hopefully posting this will make me more accountable :) My School Goals: 1. Leave ...


Merry Christmas

I cannot believe we are on Christmas Break!  The school year is flying by, we are half way done with this school year!  What do you plan to do during your break?  Are you traveling? We did a lot of traveling this summer so we are staying home for the holidays ...


December Currently

It's that time again to link up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade's Currently post!  I love these post because you get to find new blogs and bloggers. Listening:  We have started watching a new show, Chicago Fire.  My hubby and I are addicted to our nightly tv shows.  It's ...

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