Teaching Place Value: Two for Tuesday

This week's Two for Tuesday is especially for you 3rd and 4th grade teachers!  If you are new to these grade levels or just looking for new ideas on how to teach Place Value these products are perfect for you! Lesson planning always takes time, and often ...


Monday Made It: Nautical Bathroom

 I'm SUPER excited to share this week's #MondayMadeIt!  This was a week long project that turned out amazing!  We have lived on our house for six years now and as my boys are getting older I am taking my house back!  If you have little kids you know ...


Two for Tuesday

As I mentioned last week, I always used the summers to prep games and centers for my classroom.  This week I've put my Wild-O games on sale at 20% off just for you! I used the Decimal Wild-O during our decimals unit to reinforce the skill and their connection to fractions.  ...


Guided Reading in the Intermediate Grades

As an Instructional Coach I am often asked about how to teach Guided Reading to intermediate grades.  After reflecting on this question and talking with several teachers I realized that those asking me for help were former primary teachers and that there were a lot of misconceptions ...


2 For Tuesday: Fraction File Folder Games

Let's face it, summer is the time of year teachers plan and prep near the pool. I loved using my summer to prepare games, centers, and decor for my classroom. I always felt accomplished and better prepared for the upcoming school year. To help you prepare for the new ...


Monday Made It: Addicted to Craft Vinyl

I can not believe that I am FINALLY on summer break!  After Spring Break I felt like the end of the school year was never going to come.  Friday was my last day and I am looking forward to completing all of my summer projects, well at least ...

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