Why'd I Buy It?

I am linking up with my BBB AMC for her NEW monthly linky!  For this linky we share anything we have purchased for our classroom, ourselves, or anything else you wish and tell why you bought it. I recently made my FIRST Thirty-One purchase!  I ordered a new ...


Google Form for Open House

Yesterday I attended a Google Chrome Book training and couldn't wait to share this idea one of the presenters shared.  Why not use a Google Form during your Open House or Back to School Night?   Create a new Google Form with questions that fit your needs.  I ...


Monday Made It

Thank you everyone who have asked about my hubby!  He still isn't feeling better and waiting to see his specialist in the coming weeks.  I promise to keep you all posted! :) Today I am linking up with Tara for Made It Monday!  First I must say I am a bit ...


Your Daily Schedule

I recently posted the following question on IHR's FB page, "Do you create your daily schedule or does your admin tell you when to teach each subject?". I was shocked to find out how many of you are told when you are to teach each subject area. I understand being told when you ...


Worst Vacation...EVER!

Well I have been MIA for a few weeks, thanks to all who have linked up to the Back to School Goals Linky!  It is still open, so feel free to link up! This is how we eat on the road! We went to Arkansas and Oklahoma to visit my in-laws this year for our family vacation. ...


Back to School Goals...Reflect & Set New Goals

I recently read Kaitlyn's post from  Smiles and Sunshine and loved that she went back and reflected on her Back to School Goals from the linky I did last year.  So, following her lead I am going to reflect on mine, and set new ones for the upcoming year.  I hope ...


Decorating the Classroom-Something to Think About

As many of you know I am now an Instructional Coach and recently have been attending Professional Development with my new district.  I will not have a classroom to decorate this new school year, but recently attended an administrative Professional Development that got me thinking ...


Worksheet Wednesday-Magnets!

Today's Worksheet Wednesday with The Teaching Tribune is for ANY subject!  I know many grade levels teach Magnets in Science so I thought I would make today's FREEBIE be something that could be used in several grade levels. My Magnets Find-Someone-Who is part of my ...


Two for Tuesday 50% off

This week I am placing my Spot on Research and Monster Math Spiral Review on sale for 50% off! On sale or $2.00! Common Core AlignedW.3.2, W.3.5, and W.3.9W.4.2, W.4.5, and W.4.9W.5.2, W.5.5, and W.5.9Use this 8 day lesson plan and resources to help teach your students ...

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