Hocus Pocus Keep Them Focused #2 {Giveaway}

We all know teachers are magic, but it seems that this time of year, our magical powers need a little extra umph and a maybe even an ABRACADABRA to get us to that last day of school!  So, I teamed up with some amazing intermediate bloggers to create some magic of our own!  You may recall that a couple of weeks ago, we joined forces to swap some of our favorite resources, armed with the goal of putting a little extra magic in our lessons and keeping our students engaged during these final weeks of the school year.

Credit goes to these talented graphic & font artists: Krista Wallden, KG Fonts & CC Fonts.

As promised, we’re all back today with Part 2 of our blog hop giveaway – the big reveal – viola!

Nonfiction Book Report Project (Aligned to CCSS)

If you remember from my previous post I chose Kathleen's Nonfiction Informational Book Project to keep my students engaged this time of year....I am happy to report it was a hit with my students!

We collected cereal boxes for a week so we could have them ready to use.  The first day I attempted to teach my kiddos how to wrap a cereal box like a present using bulletin board paper.  Now, do you ever have those moments when your realize you are in too deep to abandon ship?  I had that moment about two steps into this process!  After repeating myself, hearing my named called over and over, and running out of glue we ended up with 23 boxes successfully wrapped.

On the second day I passed out the rubric, yes I saved my copies by shrinking it down, and showed examples of completed projects from Kathleen's blog.  Students then read their nonfiction text and started taking notes and working on the assignment requirements.

On the third day my students started working on their boxes.  I broke up the requirements by day, day 1 the front, day 2 the sides, day 3 the back, and day 4 was for those who needed extra time. 

Here is an example of a completed front.  I hate that I don't have more pictures today, I was out Friday and didn't get pictures of the completed boxes.  If you check back Tuesday I will have more completed pictures.

I am so glad I chose this product!  My students absolutely LOVED working on their projects and asked every day when they would get a chance to work on them.  Normally, I would of assigned this project as a homework assignment, but at this time in the year I wanted to provide my kiddos an opportunity to be creative in class.  While they worked I was able to pull students for their end of the year DIBELS assessments.  I highly recommend Kathleen's product for a fun end of the year project!  It's a fun way for students to demonstrate what they have learned about informational text.

Now to our second round of magic giveaway!  We decided to switch things up a bit by having several winners this time around!   In fact, 14 classrooms will receive a little magic for their own classrooms!  Each of the blogs featured below will be giving their prize to a different winner!

So, perhaps you want to know what MY winner will collect!  Whoever is drawn as the winner from my blog will receive

"Winner's Choice"  That's right, the winner will receive one item from my store (excluding bundles)!
Good luck!

Here’s what you need to do for this giveaway:

Stop by each blog to read about all the magic that has been spread around classrooms near and far!

Enter to win each blogger’s resource using the raffle below.  Each blog is showcasing the same Rafflecopter, so you can just add entries as you go! 

While you are at each blog, if you’re not a blog follower already, sign on to follow!  (You can earn bonus entries for following all blogs once you unlock the additional entries.)

Again, a total of 14 winners will be named!   Each blog will award a winner.  That individual will receive the prize listed at that blog!

Here’s the list of blogs to visit: 
Swap Stop A
Teaching FourthTeaching with Blonde Ambition

Swap Stop B 
Fifth in the Middlehttp://thebrownbagteacher.blogspot.com/

Swap Stop C 

Swap Stop D 

Swap Stop E 

Swap Stop F 
One Lesson at a Timehttp://www.commoncoreandsomuchmore.com/

Swap Stop G 

Well, friends, here’s the blogosphere sending a little magic your way this May! :)

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