1. Testing is OVER!
My student worked hard for two days, we were the last class to finish both days. On the Reading test I had three students sit there and do NOTHING for an hour each! Seriously!?! I have the group of students who shut down when frustrated, four hours for a reading test is quite frustrating.
2. First Crush {heart}
My oldest son is in Kindergarten and told me last night at dinner that he had a crush. He was smiling and blushing through the whole conversation. He informed me that he had a crush on not one but TWO girls. I asked him how he knew he had a crush on them and preceeded to tell me they were good looking...I couldn't help it but I busted out laughing {I know not my best mommy moment}. They had Splish-Splash day yesterday and my son informed me that he thought the girls looked hot in their swim suits, and I then turned the conversation into a serious one. I asked him where he heard talk like that and said the tv, I know exactly what shows too because I have been contemplating blocking those shows. I explained to my son that six year old boys do not talk about how hot a girl is and if I heard it again he would loose all tv shows. I taught him that we treat girls with respect and say respectful things about them, we can say they are beautiful, pretty, and nice. I even went as far as if he heard any other boys talking like that about girls that he needed to teach them respectful ways to talk about girls. I am just excited that he felt comfortable enough to tell me, his mommy, about his first crushes and I had the opportunity (at a young age) to teach him we treat girls with respect.
3. Best Tutor E.V.E.R.!
Mrs. M. and I have worked together the past three years, I appreciate her sooooo much! She has been with me when I completed grad school, when I had my third son, and through this year of H-E-double hockey sticks! Her last day was yesterday and this is the best gift she has given me at the end of the year :)
We won't be working together next year because I will not have the EC inclusion class, it is time for a break and I need to LOVE what I do again {it was that bad this year}. Mrs. M, my co-teacher, and I will be heading out to dinner and drinks one day next week to celebrate surviving the school year!
4. Five and 1/2 Days!
Only 5 1/2 days left of school, that's right we finish on a Monday and it's a half day. Who thought that was a good idea needs their head checked.
5. June Monthly Goals
I posted my goals for June yesterday, I hope you set some for yourself and link up! I did okay with my May goals, but let's be real here I am SO GLAD TO SEE MAY GO AWAY! It was a ROUGH month!