Highs & Lows

WOW!  Have you checked out the 60 Budding Blogs!?!  There are so many new bloggers with some great ideas and information to share.  The best part is there are several from around the world, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, and Canada...how awesome is that!  I hope you give them some love and start following their blogs.

I have missed out on so many great linkies this week, I just couldn't find the time to sit down and write a post :(.  I finally have a little time to myself, my boys are currently being babysat engrossed by the Disney Channel, to share some highs and lows of my classroom.  When I kept up with my family blog I used to post highs and lows of what was going on in our lives, but today they will all be related to school.


I met with our new team member last week.  I usually sit in on the interview committee, but she was interviewed over Spring Break.  I think she will be a great fit and have some new ideas and things to share with the team.


I don't believe I can say "sit down" with out a bit of agitation in my voice.  Seriously, why is it SO HARD to stay in your seat!

Certificates & Awards; Trend® Honor Roll Award Certificates

My end of year awards are typed up and just waiting to be printed.


Apparently the new thing to do at lunch is pull at your loose tooth until it comes out.  I screamed, yes raised my voice as loud as possible, "Does this look like the dentist office !?!" at my class today in the lunch room, it went silent...very silent.  Thankfully there was only one other class in there at the time.
Dibels - Eugene, OR

Thanks to my awesome co-teacher ALL my DIBELS, WTW, and DAZE assessments are completed! I {Heart} her!

Student on a two week vacation BEFORE state testing, will return the day before testing...REALLY!?!
Source :mrscaldwellss.blogspot.com 
I am not the only teacher currently loosing her mind this time of year :)

I can't take the crying, fussing, and arguing from 4th graders, almost 5th graders, anymore!


10 1/2 days of school!


10 1/2 days of school is still TOO MANY days!


  1. Your linky was definitely a hit! I've found so many great blogs on there :)

    Hope your last few days fly by!

    Apples, Ink and Mischief

  2. We have about that many days left, too...can't it go any faster??? Hang in there :)

    Fun in Room 4B

  3. I died laughing at your dentist comment! That made my day! Thank you for hosting the bidding bloggers linky. I was so happy to be able to link up! I love all of your ideas and want to be like you!

    You can finish the year strong!
    Rosie's Rambles

  4. We are right there with ya, so you are not the only teacher loosing your mind. ;) We are all in this together!
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  5. Love that Budding Blog linky, and so pleased to see more Aussies out there in bloggyland!

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

  6. I am losing my mind with my 4th graders too! They don't stay in their seats, they talk nonstop, and they are too cool for school!
    Pinkadots Elementary

  7. I can relate to so many of the things on your list!! I am so tired of the talking, fussing, fighting, picking at each other, and constant talking!! I feel like the only things I say during a day are sit down and stop talking.
    Polka Dot Lesson Plans

  8. HAHA! I would have reacted the same way to the tooth pulling! You only get 20 minutes for lunch people! EAT!
    easy peasy education

  9. LOL! Your post was hysterical! Thanks for sharing! I loved reading about your highs and lows!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching


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