Listening: My one year LOVES to play in the kitchen cupboards, what toddler doesn't? Tonight he pulled out a dish and knocked down the whole stack of mixing bowls, scaring him quite a bit, so now hubby is putting on the locks. Now for me to remember the next time I go to open a cupboard.
Loving: Saturday morning my cable, internet, and phone line was cut resulting in NO technology for over 24 hours...YIKES! We are switching cable companies and the new once came out to bury the new line before hooking it up in the house and ended up cutting the old line, so we had to wait for the old company to come fix it because our new service won't be hooked up until this coming Friday. What a headache!?!
Thinking: I have read many Monthly Goals post, comments, and emails expressing how excited you all are about my new linky! I am happily {and appreciative} surprised at how many people have linked up! How are you all coming along? So far I have not gone to Walmart or Target {I've thought about it}, I've gone to the gym once in the past five days {baby steps}, and have spent more quality time with my boys.
Wanting: I am really over this year. I am counting down the weeks, days, and hours I have left; hence the clock to the right :)
Needing: Since I am over this year I am finding it hard to plan fun things for my kids. We still have our State Assessments this month so we are focusing more test prep than anything else. All their local assessments this year were on the computer and the state is paper and pencil...does that make sense to you!?! Therefore, I am reviewing paper and pencil test taking strategies.
Summer Bucket List: I recently feel God tugging at me to spend more quality time with my boys and hubby. I plan to spend time with them outside, on the boat, playing games, and fun family outings this summer. When I am not doing that I hope to deep clean my house or scrap up some money to pay someone to do it. I think paying someone will help me achieve BOTH items :)
Other Updates:
1. This week one of my friends, and coworker, gave birth to her first child and now I have baby fever. Tomorrow is my turn to bring them dinner, I am making Buffalo Chicken Garbage Bread. We are both from the same small town south of Buffalo, NY and LOVE buffalo chicken! I found the recipe on her Pinterest board. Last year when I had my son my team used my food board to plan meals, we are doing the same for her. {Isn't that a genius idea!?!}
2. I spelled "they" as "thay" in a text last week. Thankfully I caught it before I hit send, but I think it means I have been teaching too long.
3. I received and apology from a parent during a meeting last week, because she blamed me for her child's struggles. She even went to the board on me, I "won". I did not expect an apology, but was very appreciative and grateful for it.
4. I am loving the Sacred Marriage Bible study we are attending! There is a couple that has been married for 44 years on our class and I adore listening to their advice and wisdom.

Glad you're making progress on your goals. Baby steps is the key!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the Sacred Marriage book - my hubby and I read it as part of our pre-marital counseling and I got so much out of it. I'm glad you're enjoying the study.
Joy in the Journey
We have a little rhyme in my room...there is no A in they. :) Maybe that will help you. LOL! Love the idea of making food using the pinterest board. That is GENIUS! And, wow, on the parent apologizing to you. I had one parent a couple of years ago who told me she hated me, her daughter hated me and she was having her removed from my room....Needless to say she did not succeed on that front. But I have never gotten an apology from her. She has a little going into 2nd next year and I am sure we will BOTH be requesting to not have each other. LOL!
Diving Into 2nd Grade
I hear ya on the motivation to plan right now! So with you!! :) That Bible Study sounds great- hooray for you!! :)
Smiles from 2nd Grade
I am with you on the deep cleaning the house thing! I keep wondering when I will have time to do things like wash my windows and then consider hiring someone to do it. It would be worth every penny to have that peace of mind and be able to devote more time to my kiddos:)
ReplyDeleteWHAT?!? Small town south of Buffalo that you are from?!? My younger sister lives in Williamsville and my older sister lives in Kenmore. I have lived south of Buffalo my whole life too but not in Erie County! Email me!!
Fourth Grade Flipper
Well, if anyone tell me to show them the best daycare center then I always suggest them for early childhood education Omaha as there is no doubt that from there we can easily get the best education for our child besides perfect care.