Five For Friday Flashback

1. Testing is OVER!  My student worked hard for two days, we were the last class to finish both days.  On the Reading test I had three students sit there and do NOTHING for an hour each!  Seriously!?!  I have the group of students who shut down when frustrated, ...


June Monthly Goals

It's a new month (well close enough), time to reflect on last months goals and create some new ones!  So how did you do last month? I didn't do to well with my health goal, I only went to the gym once and went on two walks.  I didn't meet my personal goal, but ONLY went ...


Next school year, I am DEFINITELY....

I am joining Kim for her first linking party over at Joy in 6th Grade!  This is such a great idea!  We are to list things we will DEFINITELY do next year. 1. I have LOVED Collaboration Cuties and Jivey's Mentor Text post so much that this is one new thing I am ...


Organization: Cleaning up the Laptop

I hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day!  As a military family our thoughts and prayers go out to our military families who have lost a love one.  A few years ago my husband found out that his medic from his last deployment committed suicide, he did not die physically ...


Highs & Lows

WOW!  Have you checked out the 60 Budding Blogs!?!  There are so many new bloggers with some great ideas and information to share.  The best part is there are several from around the world, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, and Canada...how awesome is that!  I ...


Five For Friday on a Friday...Go Me!

Is it me or has this been a LONG week!?!  I feel like the last few weeks of school NEVER end! 1.  This week my car hit 100,000 miles!  It's only a 2009!  We did drive from NC to MN round trip and NC to OK round trip this summer. 2. Maxton and ...


May Budding Blog: Linky

This month has been so crazy I forgot to post a Budding Blog for May, so to make up for my slacking I am hosting a Budding Blog Linky.   If your blog has less than 200 followers please link up and show case yourself :) In your post please answer the following questions, ...


Workshop Wednesday: Math Manipulatives

Stop over and link up! This week's topic is Math Manipulatives; how do you use them, store them, etc.  I did not work today {my oldest has a double ear infection} so I was unable to take pictures of my classroom and simply forgot to do it on Monday and Tuesday...oops. ...

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