100 Follower & Giveaway!

I first would like to give a HUGE thank you to Diane at Teaching with Moxie, back in January she showcased my blog and my 2013 goal of 200 followers!  Thank you for sending some awesome teachers my way :) This giveaway will run for one week!  It will close March ...


Five For Friday

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching Five for Friday :) 1.  I'm Bored, Engage Me! I am hosting my first linky party here!  I attended Science Professional Development on Monday and was very disappointed in the information provided.  Please link up new or ...



I am so excited...I have 100+ followers!  Thank you all!  To celebrate I am working on a GREAT giveaway this coming week.  Stay tuned to check it out! One of my 2013 goals was to have at least 200 followers, I am half way to my goal...YAY! ...


1,2,3...Linky Party

I am participating in Primary Possibilities School, Sport, and Smile Linky Party :) 1. School Even though we are located in a heavily Military populated town, several teachers have been at our school for many many years and/or attended school here as a child.  I personally ...


I'm Bored, Engage Me!

Graphics from 3am Teacher Today I sat in a Science PD that BORED. ME.TO.DEATH!  Our PD was on Hands-On-Activities in Science, sounds like a great topic but the ideas were not new or original.  My Co-Teacher plans Science for our grade level and already had two of ...


Weekend Freebie

I am linking up with Teaching Blog Addict Friday Freebie a few days late, but a FREEBIE is great anytime :)  Yesterday it snowed for the first time this year and the snow flakes were HUGE!  They looked like large white feathers falling from the sky, it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! ...


What a Week!

This week was very hectic!  My class was up and down all week, some days they were on it and other days it was as if it was the first day of school.  This was a trend in my personal life as well, ups and downs. *Only 10 more followers needed for my 100 follower giveaway! ...


Planning for the Week & a FREEBIE

Tonight I am working on plans for this week.  I have ended up straying from my original ELA plans and have decided to focus on plays/dramas focusing on the American Revolution.  I found a incredible resource here.  It includes a timeline and a Reader's Theatre based ...

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