Superhero Products...SALE

With the upcoming TpT sale, we want to help you find "heroic" products that have helped others in their classrooms. I received some wonderful feedback on my Gearing Up for the Test from many teachers who used as test prep for their students.  This set includes 66 Review ...


Milestone Celebration #3

Freebie #3 is a LIMITED TIME FREEBIE!  This is only available for the next three days! I take grade pride in my Interactive Science Notebooks, not only because they provide you and your students with great INB flipbooks, but I always include so much more! Each of my ...


Milestone Celebration #2

Today's Celebration Freebie is a fun one!  I actually used this product in a model lesson for a 4th grade classroom and the kids LOVED it!  The students were really disappointed that we ran out of time for them to complete all of the centers. This Area & ...


Thank you! Milestone Celebration #1

Words can not express the gratitude I have towards you, my followers and customers.  I started IHR as an outlet/escape from a difficult year.  I started to create products for my classroom to help me get out of my rut and to fall in love with my profession again. ...

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