A Christmas FREEBIE & Do You Need Some TpT Cash?

I haven't blogged in awhile, because I am simply swamped with life!  Why is it this time of year is always so hectic!?!  To make up for my recent slacking I have a FREEBIE for you and an AMAZING Giveaway! Have you started planning your Christmas activities, stories ...


3rd, 4th, & 5th Curriculum...DEAL ALERT!

So some teacher friends and I have teamed up to load you up with resources to make teaching a bit easier!    $114.15 retail value available for a limited time for $29.99 which is 74% off!  Extreme value alert! To grab this SWEET Deal click on the ...


Snap Learning an Online Resource

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Snap Learning to try out their site and write a review...I am so glad I said yes!! Snap Learning is a website that offers districts, teachers, and homeschooling parents an opportunity to use a quality of resources for Guided Reading ...


Supermarket Saturday

Can you believe it's November already!?!  We have completed our first nine weeks already, I can't believe how fast the weeks went!   To help you continue to find Fun Fall products the ladies of the Lesson Deli have put together a list of Fall products for you to ...

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