Read Across America Week

This year I was finally ready to make Read Across America Week a school wide event!  I've always loved this day/week while in the classroom, but hadn't planned a school wide event as an instructional coach the past two year. Not anymore! I am Type A personality and a natural ...


Are We Doing What is Best for Students?

This post is a collection of thoughts and emotions I have had over the past few months, as an educator and as a mother. There are many different ways to run a classroom, teach a skill, hold students accountable, grade, assess, and everything else we do as educators.  ...


Implementing Literacy Centers in Upper Grades

Do you feel a little stressed when you hear the word "centers"? Upper elementary teachers often relate the word "center" to cute, time consuming, and busy work. Although, those can be what centers are, but that's not what they should be in your classroom. Centers or Stations ...


Building Math Fluency with Task Cards: Two for Tuesday

 There is an epidemic in our upper elementary math classes...teachers are not using manipulatives! Many teachers are still stuck to the belief that our children MUST memorize their facts and no longer use hands-on experiences in math. Our students in the upper grades are ...

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