So some teacher friends and I have teamed up to load you up with resources to make teaching a bit easier!
$114.15 retail value available for a limited time for $29.99 which is 74% off! Extreme value alert!
To grab this SWEET Deal click on the image above or HERE.
In this bundle you will find my Spiral Math Review for 4th grade, Spot On Research Report, and What's the Big Idea? (for teaching theme).
With 27 instant downloads and 739 pages of materials
including centers, printables, units of study, flippables, book studies,
centers, and much, much more.
Academic Concepts Covered
Parts of speech
Sight words
Word work
Types of sentences
Reading strategies
Authors purpose
Character analysis
Book studies
Adding and subtracting fractions
Finding common denominators
Multiplication and division
Multistep word problems
Writing Process
Geometry & measurement
Check out the previews below...

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